Gibson County Bankruptcy Information
You may be wondering what Gibson County bankruptcy information is available that may help you and your family rebuild your financial life? The answer to that question is not necessarily simple and depends on a person’s individual circumstances. Each person or married couple’s situation is different. Not all individuals or married couples are eligible for bankruptcy relief. Bankruptcy is not an option for everyone. However, there are some things about bankruptcy that are true for everyone who is eligible for bankruptcy relief. Bankruptcy is a legal process available to most individuals and married couples that permits a person or married couple to either eliminate most types of consumer debt (Chapter 7) or propose a repayment plan under bankruptcy court supervision (Chapter 13). Most, but not all, individuals or married couples are eligible for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Sometimes an individual or married couple have a choice about which type of bankruptcy they can file. The type of debt you have can be an important factor in determining which bankruptcy options are the most beneficial. There are important differences between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy.
Filing for bankruptcy can help you stop:
Don’t make a decision about bankruptcy until you know all of the facts. Call Kinkade & Associates, PC today, or use the form to the right, for your FREE consultation with a local bankruptcy attorney.